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It’s Back But For a Limited Time

If you’re a fan of Soarin’ Over California, then now's your chance to see it for a short amount of time. With the new Soarin’ Around the World some of the fans of the original ride were upset that Disney changed one of their beloved classics, so Disney has given the fans what they want. For the month of June Soarin’ Around the World has been changed back to the original ride Soarin’ Over California. Not only is one of the original ride back in California Adventure, but it has been enhanced to make the experience all that more enjoyable. Some of these improvements include; wind when flying over the ocean, a flower smell as you fly over the beach, and a pine scent as you fly over the mountains. Each of these enhancements just made the experience of Soarin’ Over California all that more realistic, so head on over to Disneyland’s California Adventure to experience a returning classic ride before it goes back into retirement, but hey if they’ve brought this ride back once, Disney may do it again.

Coming Soon to All About The Mouse: Tips and Tricks for Star Wars Land 

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