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Iron Man

Iron Man is the first movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will go far as we have seen. In this film, a genius, billionaire, playboy, Tony Stark, is taken by a group of terrorists and has to create a suit of armor. After completing the armor, Tony escapes his captors and heads home to perfect the armor and becomes Iron Man to hunt down men who have been selling weapons secretively. Later Tony's second in command steals Stark Industries and creates armor suit to fight Tony. In the end things work out, until Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. approaches Tony for the Avengers Initiative.


Iron Man/Tony Stark. A billionaire who suffers an injury, leaving shrapnel in his chest, from being kidnapped, creates a suit of armor to stop the selling of illegal weapons.

Pepper Potts. Is the assistant of Tony Stark and chairwoman of Stark Industries. She will later become the love interest of Tony, but she puts her work before romance.

Obadiah Stane. Is the second-command, friend and mentor of Tony Stark at Stark Industries. He later takes control of the company, overthrowing Tony, and creates his own suit of armor to fight Iron Man/Tony Stark.

Director Fury. Is the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., a secret organization created to help and protect people form things they are not ready to see. His big idea is to bring together a group of extrodinary people to become great, and that is why the first person he approaches is Tony Stark.

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