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How to Save Money at Disney Parks

Going to any Disney park can be super expensive, which I just released last trip. I spent over $300 dollars a day at Disney for just food and snacks alone for four people, so I thought I would do some research and find out how to save some money for myself and others included.

#1 Bring your own snacks

Disney is known for their snacks like the Mickey Pretzel above and each one can be quite pricey, so my advice would be to bring your own snacks. If you can't resist the treats at Disney, limit yourself to a few and bring some snacks as well.

#2 Pack a Meal

Meals in Disney Parks are insane sometimes. I spent over $100 dollars for each meal I ate and I found out you are in fact allowed to bring meals into the park. If you don't want to do that I have another option for you. There are always restaurants outside of the parks that will be almost half the cost of food inside of the park.

#3 Bring Drinks

In the parks any type of drink at any concession stand is $4.75 a piece, so if you bring your own, it will save you at least $20 dollars a day. Another quick tip if you bring in a water bottle into any park you can refill it at water fountains. Also you can get free water from inside restaurants, but you have to ask.

#4 Buy SouvenEARs Before the Trip

Souvenirs are super expensive at the parks and you can buy them for a third of the price or at least half on EBAY. I would specifically do this for the pins. I recently bought a pin lot on EBAY and received a passholders only pin which was really cool and pins from other Disneylands I have not visited, so I totally recommend it. And did I mention it was only $5?!

#5 Take Advantage of the Free Stuff

There are many free things at the Disney Parks such as; autographs, buttons (birthday, anniversary, 1st visit, etc), park maps, fastpasses, Jungle Cruise map, Mark Twain driver certificate, birthday desserts, Lilly Belle train ticket, character stickers from cast members, Autopia driver's license, and Halloween candy and bag.

There you go! Ways to save money at the parks. I hope these are helpful to you and your family for the next time you travel to any of the Disney parks.

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